Applicants should meet the following requirements:

1) Fluent in English and Japanese (possess high English comprehension and Japanese writing skill)
2) Translation Experience: Please provide previous translation samples for initial evaluation.
3) Research Abilities: Translators should be familiar with the terms used in their field of expertise or be able to research and ascertain their word choices are the most commonly used in that particular field. 
4) Time Management: Please return all translation projects on time, before the deadline.
5) Detail-Oriented: Please follow the guidelines and requests provided by the customers, such as document formatting and writing styles. 

Most translation agencies provide a set rate. In order to protect the rights of our translators, Liitrans Translation provides a fluctuating rate. Rates are adjusted according to each case based on the following factors: 

1) Project Difficulty
2) Customer Request
3) Project Urgency (time)

A fluctuating rate allows translators to better adjust their schedule and receive the most reasonable rates. This will also help translators avoid getting the same rate for a harder, more urgency project.

發佈於 兼職筆譯


月薪可高於行情 2000-5000 元。到職第一年即有 10 天年假,第二年 12 天年假。 

發佈於 全職筆譯