基於立言翻譯承接 105 年內政部民政司「臺灣宗教百景導覽解說資料英譯」案件的優異品質,同屬內政部的移民署也選擇將《內政部移民署 104 年年報》(National Immigration Agency Annual Report 2015)的英文翻譯案件交由立言翻譯負責。
歷經近 1 個月的翻譯、校稿及驗收期,數萬字的文稿在立言翻譯與移民署承辦人員的合作努力下終於付梓成書。
《內政部移民署 104 年年報》已於 2016 年 10 月出版,除了可在國家書店、五南文化廣場取得紙本年報外,也可以在「中華民國內政部移民署全球資訊網」下載 PDF 全文版本閱讀,以下提供部分段落的中英文對照作為參考:
第壹章 國境人流管理/三、精進查驗職能/(二)建置「偽變造護照辨識比對系統」(P.59)
中文原文 | 英文譯文 |
透過建置該系統查察問題證照,可有效防堵不法於國境線上,使企圖持用假照闖關之不法分子無所遁形,提升我國國際形象,維護飛航安全與我國防制人口販運優良評等,俾利爭取與維持各國給予我國免簽證待遇優惠。 | By using the system to inspect questionable passports, the NIA is able to stop illegal activities and identify people intending to enter the country on fake passports right at the border. This achievement is evidence of Taiwan’s efforts to protect aviation safety and prevent human trafficking. It has not only improved the international image of the country but also helped the government to acquire and maintain visa-free access for ROC nationals to visit other countries. |
第捌章 移民行政業務/四、祕書業務/(四)公關及新聞業務(P.123)
移民署針對重要政策及新聞輿情皆會主動發布新聞稿或召開記者會回應,年報中呈現 104 年度曾發布的各新聞稿標題,由立言翻譯協助發揮巧思翻譯,以下摘錄部份:
中文原文 | 英文譯文 |
「回外婆家!客家擂茶到越南,臺越交流激火花,越南就像另個家!嘉潤陪伴外公學習母語融入文化」 | “Going back to grandma’s house. Hakka pounded tea finds its way to Vietnam. Taiwan and Vietnam collide with sparks of excitement. Vietnam is like a second home. Jia-Ren accompanies grandpa to learn the native language and integrate into society.” |
「向下扎根,培育多元文化橋樑 新住民二代海外培力成果發表」 | “Cultivating young talent and bridging different cultures; presenting the results of the Overseas Empowerment Project for Second-Generation New Immigrants.” |
「移民署政風室反貪宣導,船員熱情參與,宣導成效卓著」 | “The National Immigration Agency’s Civil Service Ethics Office promotes anti-corruption awareness; crew members participate with enthusiasm, highlighting the effectiveness of the promotion.” |